Prairie Ridge Community Coalition
Prairie Ridge Community Coalition is working in partnership with the Prairie Ridge Homeowner's Association, we work to create partnerships for sustainable program, connect families with needed local resources, and organize community events and activities. Through these efforts we endeavor to mobilize Prairie Ridge residents to improve the community through environmental and policy change.
Our Goals:​
• Bridge the gap between Prairie Ridge residents with the surrounding schools, cities, organizations and resources.
• Identify and develop programs that serve the needs of the community, including programs that address violence, drug, tobacco, alcohol and crime prevention.
• With the help of partners, create meaningful and sustainable programs, projects and activities for the benefit of community members.
• Incorporating the Five Promises, develop programs and build our capacity to serve our community. The five fundamental resources that young people need to succeed:
1)caring adults (includes positive relationships with neighbors & positive role models)
2)safe places (includes being physically and emotionally safe in community & constructive use of time)
3) a healthy start (includes good nutrition and exercise as well as healthy habits and role models)
4) effective education (includes developing marketable skills, education, and mentoring)
5) opportunities to help others (includes volunteering, sense of responsibility, and caring behavior )
volunteer needs: We have many activities throughout the year that need volunteers including a holiday party in Dec, a school supply distribution in August and 10 weeks of free lunch and youth activities in the summer, which is our biggest need. The event volunteering has duties such as setup, clean up, organizing donations or volunteers, and working in a craft or event booth.
Signup Genius is ready to schedule your volunteer time now
Summer meal volunteers can get on the calendar using Signup Genius (http://www.signupgenius.com/go/5080f44adaa2ba4fa7-summer).
Other inquiries can be directed to:
Mary Beth Holmes, Prairie Ridge Community Coalition Coordinator
cell 206-200-4229 email marybethholmesprc@gmail.com
14205 215th Ave E Bonney Lake WA 98391